3DS Max render farm: 3DS Max 2024 now supported by Render4You

Autodesk has introduced 3ds Max 2025 with a host of new features and improvements. Here's an overview of what's new, with render4you renderfarm excited to support these advancements.

OCIO color management is now available as a technology preview, bringing modern color management solutions throughout Max. A new Boolean modifier is available that allows users to incorporate Boolean operations into the modifier stack. An OpenVDB meshing method is included in the new Boolean modifier, providing an alternative way to calculate operations. OpenVDB Booleans are topologically independent of the source geometry and will often yield good results even when mesh errors are present that would cause standard Boolean techniques to fail.

The Array Modifier is updated with a new Phyllotaxis distribution technique. This type of pattern is frequently seen in nature, particularly in plants and trees. The Array Modifier includes a new Material ID rollout that can control the material IDs on a per-face or per-element basis. Several modes are available, including random, sequenced, and the ability to change the ID of the first and last clone in an array and randomize the remainder. The Array Modifier can now use a progressive transform mode that increments the transform value for each element.

A new controller allows users to add multiple Transform controllers to an object as layers of blended animation data. This lets animators add unique animation data to each layer, as well as control how the layers blend together. A new material node allows users to switch between multiple materials using a numeric index. The motion paths feature, which allows users to visualize animation paths, has been updated so that it can now be used for all controller types and works with the new list controllers.

The Slate Material Editor has been overhauled to use QT, making it much more customizable and dockable, as well as promising significant speed improvements. The Material Editor now includes a new Compound node that allows you to create sub-graphs. These can be used to organize large graphs to aid legibility. Creating a compound is as simple as right-clicking on a selection of nodes and selecting Package Nodes in Compound.

The Modifier list has been improved to use QT and now includes a list search feature so that users can start typing to find the modifier they need. The Symmetry Modifier’s default Mirror Axis is now X to better align with artists’ workflows.

STL import is now an impressive 10,000 times faster, and the STL Check modifier is 5000% times faster. Auto Smooth is now at least 10% faster. The Material Modifier can now be used on splines without converting them to a mesh, and it can retain explicit normals when applied to a mesh.

Spline Welding has improved. Retriangulation for Edit Poly and Editable Poly has also improved: The Edit Poly modifier now uses the new retriangulation algorithm introduced in Max 2023.2; Editable Poly objects and the Edit Poly modifier now automatically retriangulate faces when a vertex, edge, or face is adjusted in a way that causes edges or hidden faces to cross; New faces generated during capping are no longer left unsmoothed and are assigned to a new smoothing group; The new triangulation algorithm is now used for face splitting by insertion of edges, Slice, Cut, Bridge, Vertex extrusion, and edge extrusion.

3ds Max 2025 ships with Substance 2.4.10 and Arnold, and at render4you 3DS Max render farm, we're committed to providing top-tier rendering solutions to support these cutting-edge features and enhancements.