Maxon released Cinema 4D 2024.1 and we updated to the latest version
Bug Fixes Summary
Asset Browser
Watch Folder Issue: Fixed a problem where adding a Watch Folder in the Asset Browser removed the database link from the Pose Library Browser.
Projection Deformer: Corrected issues with the Projection deformer, including distortion when increasing the Offset parameter.
Vertex Map Performance: Addressed performance issues where using a Vertex Map controlled by a Fields list to restrict a Displacer’s deformation caused excessive CPU load.
Surface Deformer: Fixed the Surface deformer not working with splines.
Merge Projects: Fixed an issue where the Reflection layer of a Standard material was converted to a default Specular layer when merging projects.
Preferences: Corrected an issue where the target Renderer for Import/Export was not saved when closing Cinema 4D.
Forger Plugin
Generators Placement: Fixed the incorrect placement of generators when reopening Forger files.
ZIP Archive: Addressed an issue with duplicated file names inside ZIP archives.
Numeric Input Sensitivity: Fixed high sensitivity in numeric input fields when using a tablet.
Viewport Layout: Corrected an issue where a middle mouse click in a manager panel toggled the Viewport panel layout.
Redshift AOV Manager: Resolved an issue where the window pane would jump to the top when changing a checkbox.
Language Strings: Fixed an issue where some strings appeared in the language of the loaded project instead of the selected Cinema 4D interface language.
XPresso Editor: Added the missing "Type to Search" option in the context menu.
Commander Search: Corrected the order of type-to-search results in the Commander.
Shader Stability: Fixed stability issues with Viewport previews of shaders containing gradients.
Bridge Tool: Resolved an issue where the Bridge tool did not work in Point mode without symmetry.
Loop Selection: Fixed problems with the Loop Selection tool not working properly with hidden polygons.
Bezier Splines: Corrected an issue where the sequential number of a selected spline point was not displayed in its Values and Tangents window.
Polygon Islands: Fixed hierarchy issues when using the Polygon Islands to Objects command.
Create Point Tool: Adjusted tool options in the Attribute Manager that were incorrectly available in Polygon and Point modes.
Axis Center - View Center: Fixed the Axis Center function placing objects behind the camera.
Modeling Axis: Resolved an issue with the Modeling Axis in Polygon mode being offset from Object mode.
Loop Selection: Fixed issues with Loop Selection not working on partially hidden geometry.
Edge Selections: Corrected an issue where additional unselected edges and points were included in edge selections.
Bridge Tool Stability: Fixed a stability issue when using the Bridge tool interactively in the Viewport.
Split Command: Corrected the keyboard shortcut for the Split command being incorrectly available in Point and Edge modes.
Pre-Object Transform: Addressed inconsistent behavior with the Pre-Object Transform option.
Symmetrize Selection: Fixed issues with the Symmetrize Selection command not working with Edges in Mirror (Subtract) mode.
Axis Center Function: Fixed issues with the Axis Center function and Undo/Redo.
Scale Tool: Addressed an issue where the Ctrl key had no modifier effect in Symmetry mode.
Spline Point Selections: Fixed issues with the Spline point selections and the Round tool.
Connect Object: Corrected point collapsing issues when used with a Cloner.
Create Point Command: Fixed misalignment of parameter interface elements in the Attribute Manager.
Normal Tag: Resolved shading artifacts caused by the Normal tag when used with the Thicken generator.
Close Polygon Hole Tool: Fixed functionality after switching between edit modes and using Undo.
Spline and Round Tool: Addressed tangent alignment issues in the Round tool.
Pattern Selection Tool: Fixed scaling issues that made the 4-arrow tool handles impractical to control.
Undo Shortcut: Corrected the Undo keyboard shortcut not working while the Commander window was in focus.
SDS Cages: Fixed representation issues of SDS Cages belonging to a Null hierarchy.
Bevel Deformer: Fixed spikes produced by the Bevel deformer in User Shape mode.
Spline and Round Tool: Resolved issues with the Round tool where a small number of Points could irrevocably destroy the spline's initial shape.
Spline Chamfer Tool: Fixed overshooting interpolation in the Spline Chamfer tool.
Bridge Tool Stability: Addressed stability issues when bridging several points.
Normal Editing: Fixed issues where Normal Editing operations did not produce expected results with Symmetry active.
Subdivision Generator: Resolved issues with Linear Pre-Subdivision causing objects to disappear in the Viewport.
Brush Selection Tool: Fixed hidden edge highlighting in the selection preview when Visible Only was enabled.
Normal Tag Redundancy: Removed the redundant Enable checkbox from the Normal tag.
Normal Tag Fields: Fixed an issue with the Normal tag causing objects to appear uniformly black in the Viewport when using Fields.
Normal Tag Undo: Resolved undo issues with the Align Face to Vertex Normals command.
Boole Generator Performance: Addressed freezing issues with the Boole generator when Create Single Object was enabled.
Spline Objects Stability: Fixed stability issues with Spline objects and Symmetry.
Symmetry Stability: Fixed stability issues with Symmetry when creating and modifying Polygon selections.
Select Tools: Resolved issues where selections were possible in one edit mode even if the geometry was hidden in another edit mode.
Render Stability: Addressed a stability issue when rendering with Interactive Render Region or Picture Viewer.
Loft Object Flickering: Fixed flickering issues and geometry generation even after removing child objects.
PolyFX Effector: Resolved issues where applied splines of the PolyFX effector were ignored by the Cloner's object mode.
Baked Cloner Visibility: Fixed visibility issues with baked Cloner animations when moving the camera.
Cloner and Alembic Files: Corrected issues with Cloner objects and Alembic animation files.
MoGraph Selection Tags: Fixed issues with MoGraph Selection tags not working when inverted with Fields.
PolyFX Garbled Polygons: Resolved issues with PolyFX causing garbled mesh polygon orientations.
Emitter Performance: Addressed performance issues with the Particle Emitter used as the source of a Matrix object in combination with a Push Apart effector.
Matrix Object: Fixed issues with the Matrix object in Object mode with Distribution set to Volume.
Cloner and Radial Mode: Corrected visibility issues with splines cloned in Radial mode.
Cloner Object Index Numbers: Fixed index numbers showing even after the Cloner object was disabled.
Vertex Map Shader Field: Resolved display issues with Spline shaders in Vertex Map Shader fields.
Cloner Performance: Fixed a performance degradation issue with Cloners in animated assets.
Memory Node: Corrected inconsistent behavior in the Memory Node in setups.
Node Setup Refresh: Fixed refresh issues in Node and Capsule setups, ensuring correct values and transformations.
Naming After Converting Capsule: Addressed issues with selection naming after converting a capsule.
Value Node Refresh: Fixed refresh issues with the Value Node output on data type changes.
Floating IO Output Node: Resolved issues with the Floating IO Output Node not generating meshes.
Color Picker Window Title: Added a missing title to the Color Picker window when opened via the right mouse button in the Node Editor.
Node Editor Asset Category: Fixed the default category selection issue when saving an Asset in the Node Editor.
Node Group Input Breakage: Resolved issues with grouping inputs breaking after adding an input from the Asset Browser.
Resource Editor Separators: Fixed issues creating Separators outside the Input group in the Resource Editor.
Group UI Elements Unfolding: Addressed issues in the Resource Editor where adding new Group UI elements caused others to unfold.
Time Node: Fixed display issues with correct values in the Time Node.
Connect Node with Geo Spline: Resolved issues with the Connect Node when used with Geo Spline nodes.
Vertex Map Tags: Fixed issues with Vertex Map Tags caused by toggling Node modifiers.
Node Editor Search: Improved the search functionality in the Node Editor to match highlighted nodes with search terms.
Material Node Editor: Fixed issues with reopening the Node Editor after closing a locked window.
Node Editor Cursor Visibility: Resolved cursor visibility issues when rotating the view after drawing a selection frame.
Scaffold Performance: Addressed performance issues in the Node Editor when creating a scaffold and panning the scene graph.
Atom Array Object: Fixed issues with N-gons handling and unit conversions in the Atom Array object.
Geometry-heavy Projects: Improved performance when loading geometry-heavy projects.
Windows Force Quit Shortcut: Fixed the Force Quit shortcut on Windows.
Interactive Preview Rendering: Resolved constant refreshing issues with Redshift Interactive Preview Rendering when using cached simulations.
Pyro Initial Volume Set: Fixed performance issues with the Pyro Initial Volume Set option.
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