Cinema 4D render farm supports now Cinema 4D 2024.3.1

Render4you Cinema 4D render farm supports now Cinema 4D 2023

Maxon released Cinema 4D 2024.3.1 and we updated to the latest version

Important Notes

  • Installation Path: Cinema 4D 2024.3.1 will replace any existing installation of the same version (2024.2). You can customize the installation path if you wish to keep separate versions.

New Features

  • MoGraph: New option to control the draw size of the Matrix Object.

  • Modeling: Commands in modeling are now interruptible, allowing you to stop and restart operations.

  • Asset Browser: Animated previews are available on mouse-over for quicker asset selection.

  • Exchange:

    • Improved glTF Import/Export, including support for character animations, skin animations, and PSR animations.

    • GoZ now supports dynamic subdivision and Matcap textures.

    • Enhanced debugging for missing assets in Scene Nodes.

  • Geometry Property Nodes: New nodes for getting and setting properties, including Get Last Element and Pop Element.

General Notes

  • The term "Projects" has been removed from the File Menu options for creating, opening, closing, and saving scenes.

Bug Fixes

  • Animation: Multiple fixes related to Track Modifier tags, Pose Morphs, Key Reducer, and motion blur issues.

  • Asset Browser: Issues with asset renaming, Maxon One assets, and special prefixes were resolved.

  • Attribute Manager: Input issues with the Material tag were fixed.

  • BodyPaint 3D / C++ API: Improved file handling and plugin compatibility.

  • Character Animation: Fixed issues with weight merging, joint falloff, and alignment with Spline Instances.

  • Color Management: Fixed issues with view transforms, Render Marked Takes, and Picture Viewer results.

  • Deformers: Various issues with FFD, Displacer, Collision, and Morph deformers were resolved.

  • Exchange: Numerous fixes for issues with Substance Asset Manager, glTF, GoZBrush, USD export, and more.

  • Forger Plugin: Fixed issues with Camera Target tag in Forger.

  • Interface: Resolved issues with preferences, Thinking Particles, and Create menu.

  • Modeling: Numerous fixes for tools and selection issues, including Brush, Scale, Bevel, and more.

  • MoGraph: Fixed issues with Plain effector falloff, Cloner object behavior, and MoGraph Cache.

  • Navigation: Fixed issues with Symmetry mode affecting Cursor mode navigation.

  • Nodes: Various fixes for Node Editor issues, including group type changes, context menus, and scene graph references.

  • Node Editor: Fixed issues related to prompts, automatic connections, and I/O ports.

  • Object Manager: Fixed issues with Annotation tags and object properties.

  • Objects: Fixed issues with Lathe object, Null object, and Solo mode.

  • Other: Stability fixes for Magnet tool, file saving, and Picture Viewer performance.

  • Project Asset Inspector: Fixed a stability issue on quitting.

  • Redshift: Fixed issues with camera data corruption and plugin warnings.

  • Renderer: Fixed missing plugin warnings and Render preset issues.

  • Simulation: Resolved various issues with Rope splines, Pyro simulations, and Soft Body simulations.

  • Take System: Fixed issues with Redshift camera parameters and Auto Take mode.

  • Team Render Server: Fixed CPU specification display issues on macOS.

  • Timeline: Fixed various issues with track solo icons, key selections, and precision.

  • UV Tools: Fixed issues with UV Texture Editor and aligning UV islands.

  • Viewport: Performance and display fixes, including lag issues and texture mapping problems.

  • Volumes: Stability fixes for Volume Builder with scaling and defining fields.

  • XPresso: Fixed issues with the Vertex Map Node.

  • XRef: Fixed a stability issue with referencing exchange files in XRef objects.

These updates and fixes address a wide range of improvements and issues, enhancing the overall stability and functionality of Cinema 4D 2024.3.1.

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